Download White Paper

White Paper: How to Build a NOC Without Destroying Your Budget
If you have a small to medium network, it might seem difficult to achieve the power of central, consolidated alarm monitoring. This guide teaches you how you can gain the key advantages of a NOC at an economical cost per point. Web Link Download White Paper

The Powerful T/Mon SLIM in Action

T/Mon SLIM: The Perfect Entry-Level NOC
Even if you don’t have a large, national network, you still need to monitor your alarms effectively. Find out how the T/Mon SLIM brings you all the power of T/Mon in an affordable package...
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Stop Missing Alarms- Don't Just Look at Printer Logs
If part of your monitoring involves a person looking at a printer log, you’re running a big risk. An important alarm could be missed, resulting in an outage that could have been easily prevented. If this sounds familiar, the T/MonXM ASCII Interrogator is the answer. Web LinkRead Full Story

The ASCII Interrogator Software Module for T/MonXM

The New RTU from DPS

Sneak Peek: The Very Latest LAN-based Alarm Remote from DPS
The DPS Engineering Team is putting the finishing touches on the newest member of the NetGuardian RTU family. This latest addition has multiple features not yet seen on a NetGuardian. Get an early preview of the benefits this new remote will bring you... Web Link Read Full Story

Nebraska Central Telephone Company Protects Upgraded Infrastructure with Advanced Alarm Monitoring
Nebraska Central Telephone Company provides a variety of integrated services to meet its customer’s communication needs. They recently installed NetGuardians at remote sites to solve serious alarm capacity shortages. Read on to learn more, including how the T/Mon SLIM can unify alarms from an entire region onto a single monitoring screen. Web LinkRead Full Story

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Curt Ritter and Jason DeGroff
Nebraska Central Telephone

Download Techno Knowledge Paper

New Techno Knowledge Paper: How to Setup T/Mon DNS
Common applications of T/Mon DNS include mail-in and -out jobs, Telnet connections for ASCII processing, and Craft interfaces. Use this quick guide to setup DNS on your T/Mon/IAM system, or to troubleshoot common setup issues.

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Letters from DPS Clients


In Praise of DPS...

"As a telecom provider, uptime is becoming more critical every day. A 99.9% uptime is considered bad. In order to achieve 100% we turned to DPS. The whole experience was very impressive."

-Rich Abalos
Calaveras Telephone

How many devices do you have in your network that could be monitored by ASCII?
More than 100
Web LinkView Results From Last Month's Survey: My interest in SNMP is...

Eric Storm, President of DPS Telecom
Eric Storm
Eric Storm, President of DPS Telecom

New DPS Developments Give You Even More Value

We just concluded another successful training session at DPS. As is our goal, our clients found it very impactful. They will be able to harness more of the power of T/Mon and our remotes when they get back to their facilities. Of particular interest was the ASCII processing part of the class and some of the T/Mon 5.0 features that will make things even better for T/Mon users.

A few of our clients have also been asking how our new Production Building construction has been going...

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DPS Live Meeting Rooms - Immediate Answers To Your Network Monitoring Questions
Get All the Answers You Need in Less Than 45 Minutes

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Live Guided Tour

DPS Live Meeting Rooms allow you to get immediate answers about your network reliability in a personal web conference. You can see a live, personalized demonstration of network reliability solutions from the convenience of your workstation. By combining video/teleconferencing and real-time messaging, we create a virtual conference room where you can view presentations & application overviews from our Applications Engineers.

Call 1-800-693-0351 to setup your live meeting today.

  • DPS Telecom Product Line Overview
  • T/Mon NOC Remote Alarm Monitoring System
  • NetGuardian 832A
  • NetGuardian 216
  • SNMP Alarm Remote Overview

DPS Factory Training
Learn the Key to Making Your Job Easier

Upcoming DPS Factory Training Event: May 21-24 and June 25-28

There's still time to get into the next session of the most effective training program in the alarm monitoring industry. DPS Factory Training is hands-on, challenging, comprehensive and requires no tuition for qualified applicants. Sign up early and reserve your seat at the next upcoming Factory Training Events, May 21-24 and June 25-28 at DPS headquarters in sunny California. Sign up quickly because seating is limited.

Web Link Learn More About DPS Factory Training
Web Link Sign Up for DPS Factory Training

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